About us

HUNAN WUXING BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. was established in2006, which locates in the Science and Technology Industrial Park of ShuangfengEconomic Development Zone, Hunan province, is a modern bio-pharmaceuticalenterprise with a combination of production, sales, research and development.Our company has registered capital of 20 million yuan and total asset of 80million yuan, with plant area 23000㎡,is the leadingprofessional chondroitin sulfate manufacturer in China.

The main product of the company is chondroitin sulfate which uses animalcartilage as the main raw material and enzymatic hydrolysis as the coreproduction technology. Chondroitin sulfate is mainly used for treating andpreventing diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, cardio-cerebrovasculardiseases etc, at the same time, it also has good antioxidant and anti-aging functions;the company also has byproducts such as amino acid powder, bone gelatinenzymolysis protein etc. The company has the production line with an annualproduction of 500 tons of chondroitin sulfate, 2000 tons of Collagen peptide and20000 tons of bone gelatin enzymolysis protein, it is the largest productionbase of chondroitin sulfate in China.The company has obtained the drug production license and the feed productionlicense, and also has passed the Halal certification, ISO22000 certification ofNational Food Safety Management System of China and the NSF certification of NationalHealth Commission of the United   States.

The company has the national first-class workshops, the mostadvanced production equipments and production technology of chondroitin sulfate,it pays special attention to the scientific research investment and R&D, 4%of the main business income of the company is used for scientific research investmentevery year. The existing production technology of the company of chondroitinsulfate has passed appraisal of the scientific and technological achievementsof Hunan province, the conclusion of expertwas “overall technology occupies the leading level in China and thecore technology is internationally leading”. The company has signed acooperation agreement with Hunan Institute of Humanities, science andtechnology on industry-university-research cooperation; in order to utilizatingthe components such as amino acids, peptides, calcium and phosphorus etc in thebyproducts of chondroitin sulfate extraction efficiently, in February 2017, thecompany cooperated with the team of Chinese Academy of Sciences of Yin Yulong,associated with the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture Ecology of ChineseAcademy of Sciences and Hunan animal husbandry and Veterinary ResearchInstitute set up an academician expert workstation. The company has researchand development testing laboratory of 356m2, has various kinds of research andinspection instruments and equipments such as high performance liquidchromatograph, gas chromatograph, autotitrator, ultraviolet spectrophotometerand polarimeter in total more than 150 sets. The company has trained a skilledtechnical team whose level of quality inspection is compatible with theproduction scale, and has set up an integrated technology center which canR&D independently the developing of new products of the company. Thecompany has 5 authorized invention patents, and 6 substantive review inventions.

Meticulous with work, we are down-to-earth; mind the world, we areambitious; we are keeping a foothold in Hunan, radiating throughout thecountry, taking a broad view of the world; facing the future, we have only onegoal: withIntegrityand high qualitytoshape a splendid brand of chondroitin sulfate industry in China, let China'shigh-quality chondroitin sulfate get high reputation in international market,and make contribution for the health of all human beings.